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Monday, April 30, 2012

SL Airport Expo Blog Spotlight-Marktwain White

Today is the last day of the SL Airport Expo, but we still have two great spotlights left! The first one is on Marktwain White:


1.  What inspired you to create your airport in Second Life?
I love aviation. .

2.  Tell us about your airport, what were your aims and goals in Second Life, when you created it?   
I wanted to attract the aviation community to the Blake Sea and the United Sailing Sims

3.  Is your airport modeled or inspired after a real life airport?    If so which one?
Not inspired by a specific airport but I did want to call upon the nostalgic nature of airports from the first decades of the 20th Century (thus the art deco terminal.

4.  How long have you owned your airport?  is your airport opened to the general public?  Is a group required to rezz?  What are some activities or items that people can do at your airport?
I built Hollywood Airport in January of 2009, over five years ago. All are welcome, all can rezz. Activities? Fly planes, tour the Santa Catalina boardwalk, shoot the breeze, etc.

5.  We are thrilled to have your airport come to our SL Airport Expo and be a part of Aviation Month! What inspired you to take part? The chance to "fly the flag" at the expo.


1.  How long have you been in Second Life?
7 years

2.  What made you first join Second Life?
It was better than THERE.COM

3.  Other than owning an airport in Second Life and being interested in aviation, what are some other things you like to do while you are in Second Life?
Machinima (

You can visit Hollywood Airport by clicking the slurl below:
Hollywood Airport

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